Name ;; Christopher "Chris" Belmont Jr.
Gender ;; male
Age ;; 19
Face Claim ;; jon bernthal
Eye Color ;; hazel
Hair Color ;; dark brown, bright red.
Hair Type/Style ;; short on top, buzzed around.
Skin Tone;; beige
Height;; 5'9
Weight;; 180
Piercings ;; gauges and studs in both ears
Marks/Scars ;; small scar across front of neck, tiny scratches on forearms.
Sexuality ;; bisexual
Species ;; human
Race ;; caucasian korean
Occupation ;; none
Power ;; can create and manipulate fire
Alias ;; Pyro
Personality ;;
loyal to his friends and people he trusts. one to keep his word. always tries to help those in need however he can.
short tempered and easily angered, often going off over small things for no reason. tends to be a lone wolf out of fear of hurting others with his unpredictable mood swings and uncontrollable powers when angry. acts off of impulses meaning he often times goes into things head first without thought.
Alignment ;; vigilante
Fears ;; commitment, failure, losing control, loud noises, surgery, being touched suddenly.

mother ;; nabi belmont
father ;; christopher bemlont sr.
siblings ;; sister ;; yuri
children ;; none yet
partner(s);; theo, pierce
exes ;; vicktor
friends ;; theo, pierce, kali, tal, mona
enemies ;; father, vicktor, puppeteer, abel
House ;; hufflepuff
Patronus ;; tasmanian devil
Role ;; nomad
Species ;; dragon human hybrid
Circus Freak
Act ;; fire breathing/swallowing
Background ;;
Born to a very wealthy family, neither of his parents were ever really around when he grew up. For about 2 years he moved to Germany with his father when he was 13. There he met his best friend in the world, Pierce, and learned how to speak German. When he had to move back to America he made sure to keep in contact with Pierce but slowly drifted away as time went on. When Chris turned 15 his father used him as a guinea pig for his experiments because he couldn't get the proper permission to do human testing. He was given powers at this time and was held captive for two years for testing. He eventually escaped and out of rage the first thing he did was burn down his fathers work building, making sure he was inside before he did so. He was put of trial and the day before the court hearing he tried to hang himself out of regret for killing all the innocent people. He was stopped before he died but was left with a small scar where the cord had dug into his neck. The trial was put off and when it finally happened he plead insanity and was sent off to a mental hospital. He was supposed to stay there for at least 10 years but he was taken out of the hospital and sent to a hero program instead. He did not want this one bit but had no say in the matter.