Name ;; Pierce Faraday
Gender ;; male
Age ;; 20
Face Claim ;; ton heukels
Eye Color ;; deep blue
Hair Color ;; dirty blonde
Hair Type/Style ;; shoulder length
Skin Tone ;; pale
Height ;; 5'1
Weight ;; 165
Piercings ;; 4 hip piercings, 2 collar bone piercings.
Marks/Scars ;; none
Sexuality ;; panromantic homosexual
Species ;; metahuman
Race ;; german

Occupation ;; works at a little music shop
Power ;; accelerated regeneration
Alias ;; none
Personality ;;
very empathetic and worries about how others feel. even in the worst of times he is optimistic.
always seems to be frazzled and unkempt. suffers from schizophrenia, paranoia, and insomnia. seeing hallucinations, hearing voices, and feeling like he is always being watched are the main symptoms he deals with.
Alignment ;; vigilante
Fears ;; being followed, hearing voices, death, large animals

mother ;; lena geier
father ;; zachary faraday
grandma ;; edelina geier
grandpa ;; albert geier
siblings ;; stepsister ;; delilah müller
children ;; none yet
partner(s);; theo, chris
exes ;; ?
friends ;; theo, chris, nubia, kali, avril
enemies ;; ?
House ;; gryffindor
Patronus ;; brown bear
Role ;; assassin
Species ;; werewolf
Circus Freak
Act ;; strongman
Background ;;
Was born and raise for the first 14 years of his life in Germany. He lived with his neglectful druggie mother and had to fend for himself. One day, when he was 13, he found her dead on the couch. He was sent to live with his grandparents on their farm while his father struggled to get custody of him. While living with his grandparents he got his powers when he was trampled by a stamped of spooked cows. He survived because of his power but decided to not tell anyone. After a year his father got custody of him and he moved to America to live with him. He was distant for his dad at first, angry because he left him with his horrible mom. Once he found out that his mother had never told his dad that he was born and only found out when he was called by Edelina. His mom didn't want Zac to know but since she was dead his grandma thought it was best for him to know now. Pierce and Zac quickly became very close and everything was good. He lived with his dad until he was 16, when his dad died in a fire ,trying to save someone(he was a firefighter). Pierce was then kidnapped by Belmont Industries because of his power and was tested on. He was let go when he was 17. From then on he had developed a lot of mental problems but tried his best to live a normal life.