Name ;; Theodore "Theo" Jones
Gender ;; female
Age ;; 16
Face Claim ;; billie dawn webb
Eye Color ;; deep purple
Hair Color ;; light gray with darker gray stripe. dyes it light blue and dusty pink.
Hair Type/Style ;; long hair with undercut. usually wears hair up in ponytail.
Skin Tone;; pale with freckles
Height;; 5'4
Weight;; 134
Piercings ;; two small hoop earrings on each ear
Marks/Scars ;; none
Sexuality ;; heterosexual
Species ;; metahuman
Race ;; caucasian
Occupation ;; none
Power ;; can create and manipulate lightning , slight weather manipulation
Alias ;; Strike
Personality ;;
open-minded and adaptable, she is ready for anything you throw at her. she is a brave individual, ready to fight for the greater good, but not to the point of being selfless. if she trusts you, you can count she will have your back til the very end.
obsessive to the point of being petty, if you wrong her she will remember and will not let go. can become envious of others, more so for attention than anything else. insecure about her looks, the main reason she constantly dyes her hair.
Alignment ;; Hero
Fears ;; abandonment, batophobia.

mother ;; emily jones
father ;; jakob jones
siblings ;; none
children ;; none yet
partner(s) ;; chris and pierce
exes ;; none
friends ;; chris, pierce, cosette, kali, varas
enemies ;; abel, puppeteer
House ;; gryffindor
Patronus ;; swallow-tailed kite
Role ;; knight
Species ;; human
Circus Freak
Act ;; aerial silk
Background ;;
Was born into a middle class family, she was Emily and Jakob's first (and last) child. When she was born, there were complications and she was still born. The doctors couldn't do anythining to bring her back. Her mother, heart broken that her baby was already dead, transferred her powers to Theo. Emily's powers were given to her after an accident, she would have died if not for this. By giving Theo her powers, the baby lived and she slowly faded away. She died, leaving her newborn child with her husband to take care of. Before the birth they thought the baby was going to be a boy and so they decided to name it Theodore. Jakob decided to stick with the name because Emily loved it so much and because he was too grief stricken to think of another name. Theo grew up with her dad barely ever around. He was always busy working but would try his best to spend time with her. When she turned 16 she signed up to a superhero program and was carted off to a compound to train how to control her powers.