Name ;; Tabitha "Tabs" Burns
Gender ;; female
Age ;; 30
Face Claim ;; bianca calvani
Eye Color ;; brown
Hair Color ;; dark brown
Hair Type/Style ;; long straight, tied back in ponytail
Skin Tone ;; tan
Height ;;
Weight ;;
Piercings ;; none
Marks/Scars ;; battle scars
Sexuality ;; pansexual
Species ;; human
Race ;; latino

Occupation ;; soldier
Gear ;;
Light Weight Armor ;; Light armor but it does the job. Is very useful because she is always jumping around and this helps her do that with out a struggle. Red parts of her armor is strong enough to stop bullets, the dark part is enforced fabric that can't stop a bullet but is tougher than regular fabric.
Gravity Boots ;; The soles of these boots, when activated, stick to any large objects. To activate them just hold down the button on the right boot for 3 seconds. Helps when there is no gravity or when you want to run on walls.
Plasma Dagger ;; Like a lightsaber but in a dagger form. Very helpful when up close or for throwing, as long as you remember to get it.
Pistol ;; Pretty straight forward, a standard futuristic pistol. Used to shoot things.
Bold when she needs to be and is not afraid to voice her opinion; she will stand her ground if she believes it's for a good cause. She is stubborn as a mule and sticks to what she says no matter what. Tabs is a straightforward gal. She tells it how it is, you won't get a sugar coating from her. Would rather be honest and harsh then give false hope. Often goes into things head first with out putting much thought into it. Is a reserved person, liking to be alone rather than around others but isn't opposed to hanging out with friends every now and then. Is the queen of sarcasm and her weakness is jokes, puns in particular.
Alignment ;; lawful neutral
Fears ;; dogs, bodies of water

mother ;; ?
father ;; orion (not biological), ?
siblings ;; brother ;; damir (not biological)
children ;;
exes ;;
friends ;;
enemies ;;
House ;;
Patronus ;;
Power ;;
Alias ;;
Alignment ;;
Role ;; knight
Species ;; witch
Circus Freak
Act ;;
Background ;;
Grew up being taken care of by her alcoholic dad after her mom died when she was only 4. Had to pretty much fend for her self when she turned 10, the only things her dad provided was a roof over her head and words of discouragement. Learned to be street smart and picked up some bad tendencies like lock picking, pick pocketing, and shoplifting just to survive. Her father had a heart attack when she was 13 and was left all alone. Was supposed to be put into a foster home but she ran away before they could. Lived on the streets for a few months before she was caught by a police officer trying to shoplift food. He took her into custody and she was sent to a orphanage. Lived there for a month or so before she was adopted by the same officer who caught her stealing. Was opposed to it at first but started to warm up to the idea. He already had a son that was older than her so she now had a brother. They became best friends right away and did everything together. Lived with her new family until she was 18, when she wanted to live on her own. She kept in touch with her family and didn't move very far away, still living in the same city. Worked at a fast food joint for 3 years and was beyond bored with her life. Wanting to do something more exciting and that would help others she decided to join the army, to help people just like her dad does. Has been in the military for 9 years now and still keeps in touch with her family as much as she can.