Name ;; Dennis "Sly Dog " Harper Lane
Gender ;; female
Age ;; 28
Face Claim ;; elizabeth wheeland
Eye Color ;; teal
Hair Color ;; light strawberry blonde
Hair Type/Style ;; wavy and long, tied back in a ponytail
Skin Tone ;; pale with freckles
Height ;; 5'3
Weight ;; 158
Piercings ;; earrings
Marks/Scars ;; two scars on left jaw, small scar through eyebrow, many small scars on hands and arms, long skinny scars all over her back.
Sexuality ;; bisexual
Species ;; human/? hybrid (demigod)
Race ;; british

Occupation ;; first mate
Personality ;;
rather quiet, only speaking when she has something good to say so when she does speak, you'd better listen. people often underestimate her because she is a woman and she always takes advantage of that when she can. isn't below using her 'feminine charms' to get her way.
Alignment ;; chaotic neutral
Fears ;; being helpless, having children

House ;; slytherin
Patronus ;; thestral
Power ;; body-switching, can use any powers the person she switches with has
Alias ;; body snatcher
Alignment ;; anti hero
Circus Freak
Act ;; mermaid
mother ;; dana and molly harper lane
father ;; william harper lane(not biological)
siblings ;; none
children ;; none
exes ;; nathan cox
friends ;; samuel, tags, garrick, diablo
enemies ;; nathan, percy
Background ;;
grew up in a well off family, she had a proper education and so knows how to read and write. at the age of 16 she was married off into wealth, against her will. she moved in with her new husband in a very nice house. from the very start nathan was very controlling, often times acting like she was his property which infuriated her. in the begging he would punish her for acting out by locking her into her chambers but quickly resorted to beating her. she tried to run away a few times but was always caught. she absolutely refused to have sex with him so he raped her, multiple times through out living with him. she found out she was pregnant one day and knew that if she had his child that she would not be able to ever leave, so she did what she had to do. she had an abortion, it worked but the procedure also made it so she could not have kids in the future. before he could even find out what she had done she planned to run off, and it actually worked this time. she got away but had no idea what to do once she was free. she had no where to go, she knew if she went to her parents they would send her back because they were profiting off of this marriage.